Is There A Secret Ulterior Motive Behind The “Emergency Move” That The Federal Reserve Just Made?

We aren’t supposed to question anything that the Federal Reserve does.  We are just supposed to quietly accept their decisions and move on.  Sadly, most Americans don’t even realize that the Federal Reserve has far more power over the economy than anyone else does.  We often talk about the “Biden economy” or the “Trump economy”, but the truth is that the Fed is much more responsible for our economic performance than the White House is.  So the fact that the Fed just made an “emergency move” that is normally only reserved for times of crisis should deeply alarm all of us.  Has the Fed made this move for a secret reason that they aren’t telling us? (Read More...)

Less Than 50 Days Until Life In America Changes Forever, And Our Nation Is Primed For Massive Civil Unrest

Years of extremely inflammatory rhetoric from the mainstream media and from many of our leaders have brought us to the brink of a societal nightmare.  The numbers that I am about to share with you are horrifying, but it is so important for us to understand what is ahead of us.  In an article that I posted yesterday, I discussed the recent attempt on Trump’s life and I stated that “there are some that truly wish that he had been killed”.  Unfortunately, that was a tremendous understatement.  According to a survey that was conducted after the most recent attempt on Trump’s life, 17 percent of all Americans think that America would “be better off” if Trump had been killed(Read More...)

America Is Being Absolutely Ripped Apart By Hate, And The End Result Will Be Unparalleled Chaos In Our Streets

The way that people are responding to the latest attempt to assassinate Donald Trump says a lot about where we are as a nation.  There was a time when something like this would have been considered an attack on all of us.  But today things are completely different.  Many on the left are doing their best to downplay what just happened because it might help Trump get more votes.  And just like last time, there are some that truly wish that he had been killed.  They have worked themselves up into such a frenzy of hatred that they are actually hoping for the death of their political opponents. (Read More...)

A “Blood Moon” Eclipse, “The Comet Of The Century”, And A “Ring Of Fire” Eclipse Will All Be Visible Within The Next 30 Days

There will be 3 spectacular events in the heavens within the next 30 days.  A “blood moon” lunar eclipse will happen this week, the “comet of the century” will begin to appear in the night sky later this month, and a “ring of fire” solar eclipse will happen on October 2nd.  Needless to say, it is very unusual for so many historic heavenly events to occur so close to one another.  And of course these signs in the heavens are all happening at a time when our entire planet is rapidly descending into a state of complete and utter chaos. (Read More...)

The Latest Attempt On Trump’s Life Is Yet Another Example Of The Extreme Chaos That Is Plaguing Our Society

We were warned that it was just a matter of time before there would be another attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and now it has happened.  Thankfully, this new attempt to take Trump out failed, and so for now we have avoided a nightmare scenario.  But from this point forward, Trump and other prominent politicians are going to need to take extreme precautions regarding their safety.  We are less than two months away from the election, and emotions are running extremely high.  Needless to say, this is especially true when it comes to Trump.  No presidential candidate has ever been more hated by the left than Donald Trump, and he just “narrowly survived yet another assassination attempt”(Read More...)

California Just Set A Very Alarming New Record For Earthquakes

What in the world is happening in California?  The state just keeps getting hit by major disaster after major disaster, but we are all supposed to pretend that this is perfectly normal.  Of course the truth is that what we are witnessing is not normal at all.  As you will see below, California just set a very alarming new record for earthquakes in a single year.  In addition, the number of acres that wildfires have burned in the state this year is about three times higher than last year.  So please don’t try to convince me that this is normal.  Of course it isn’t just the state of California that is experiencing an unusual number of natural disasters.  As I have been warning for a long time, our entire planet is becoming increasingly unstable. (Read More...)

Bankruptcies Spike Again As America’s Economic Slowdown Accelerates

Large businesses are declaring bankruptcy at a staggering rate, and yet we are being told over and over again that the economy is just fine.  Needless to say, most of the country isn’t buying it.  Survey after survey has shown that most Americans believe that the economy is on the wrong track.  But those that are running things continue to push their “booming economy” narrative anyway, and I suppose that will continue all the way through the election in November.  Of course anyone with half a brain should be able to see the truth, because day after day we just continue to get more troubling economic numbers.  For example, it is being reported that U.S. corporate bankruptcies “spiked” during the month of August(Read More...)

A Shocking New Survey Has Discovered That Only 23 Percent Of Independents Think The Economy Is On The Right Track

Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to persuade the American people to vote for either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.  But ultimately two things are probably going to matter more than anything else.  Millions of Americans will be basing their votes on how they currently feel about the economy and who they trust to handle it moving forward.  This will be particularly true for independents, and they actually make up the largest block of voters at this point.  About 30 percent of the population considers themselves to be Democrats, about 30 percent of the population considers themselves to be Republicans, and almost everyone else considers themselves to be independents.  In the end, how independents vote will be of paramount importance, and a brand new survey has discovered that only 23 percent of independents believe that the U.S. economy is on the right track… (Read More...)